Local With A Long Lifespan

Forklift driver Lucas Maela on-site at Avis Forklifts Vesconite’s tailor made forklift components extend the life of the machines they are used in – and they’re available locallyCheaper, more readily available and long-lasting. That’s how Garry Davies, operations manager at Avis Forklifts, describes the Vesconite products he uses in the company’s machines. “I’ve never heard […]

Not A Pimple Or Dimple In Sight

Pimples are a teenager’s nightmare. It’s the same for 3D printing enthusiasts.Dimpling, pimpling, ghosting, prints that don’t align and noise are some of the problems they encounter. A machine that is changing our world shouldn’t have these problems. Mechanical engineer Juan van Wyk of Vesconite Bearings sat down with “SA Mechanical Engineer” to show us […]