Circulation: SA Mechanical Engineer Online

Bona fide readers: Do you want to talk to a real-live mechanical engineer who is economically active and making buying decisions every day? There is no more bona fide readership than the 5 800 members of the SA Institution of Mechanical Engineering who receive their digital newsletter SAMechEng Online each month.

Across all industries: Delivered to their inbox by SAIMechE, these engineers and technicians, who have been vetted by the Institution and are paid-up members, work across an extraordinary range of industries. Where there is a machine, there is a mechanical engineer!

Buy-in: Feedback from SAIMechE shows that over half the members read the newsletter supplemented by Promech Publishing’s own distribution of 1 900 readers.

Shelf-life: The current edition of the newsletter, as well as that of the previous month, is housed on the website, giving advertisers an extra bang for their buck. Each news item is ‘filed’ under the relevant Sector News category on the site, so readers can go straight to their preferred area of interest and scroll back across two years of archiving to find an article which may have caught their eye.

Twenty-five jobs that will never disappear

Machines aren’t great at critical thinking or coming up with new and exciting ideas. While machines are on the rise, you still need people to create and care for them. Mechanical engineers help design, make prototypes, test, refine and produce just about any machine you can think of. (Acknowledgement: MSN – Peter Giffen).